Monday, November 3, 2008

The Product of My Recent Poetic Mood

I left out the poem called "Angst Angst Angst" 'cause who wants to read a poem with that title???

A Rebuttal of Tara’s Poem

Oh yes, it was a great summer
Fun and full of wonder and sun
Oh hateful sun, the nights were better

But what came before the summer were
Days of go go go
And stopping in passing to chat about Edward
To squeeze that into our whirlwind lives
I would have lost my mind
Or maybe just my spark
Without my three beloved roommates
Just outside my bedroom door
Always up for the Twilight talks that revived me
For spending money on good food
For venting about that other roommate
For planning our next shared adventure
Our lives moved in sync
Anchored in The Loft
Until we pulled up our anchors one by one
And tried unsuccessfully to be okay
With where the tide carried each of us
While lucky Edward can spend forever
Floating through the air molecules
Of the too-nice apartment where girls spoke his name
More than they spoke any other
I know he’s still there
And maybe this fall bit the happiness out of me
Because Edward can’t protect me
While he exists in The Loft
Once we’re together again he’ll be there too
And The Loft is an intangible thing that we thought was
Concrete floor and exposed pipes and crumbling wall
But really it’s just us

Dealing With Minnesota

You could argue that the unexpected
Warm breeze on a November day
Is the breath of some higher being
Taking his frustrations out on
A girl who hates the cold
And is suddenly reminded of the long
Winter quickly approaching
On the heels of this gust of air
That somehow smells like summer.
You could argue that the
Painful sun slanting through your
Window is just a mean reminder
That soon the sun will bounce
Brightly off snow banks and carry
No warmth even though it is the
Same sun that scorched you in
Your lifeguard chair all summer.

I wrote this one a long time ago:

The Brook

Or maybe it was the people that made
my life there everything it was.
Lauren dancing in the hallway
to Gwen Stefani.
Luke rushing through the lounge
with a kiss on the cheek here,
a kiss on the cheek there.
Maggie telling a scandalous and
very entertaining story.
Ashley watching Friends in the lounge
with people huddled around laughing.
Shana doing Calc homework while everyone
whirls around her drunkenly.
Lexi doing French homework while
wearing one of her adorable hats.
Nate belting out “America the Beautiful”
in the hallway for everyone to hear.
Lela leading nine o’clock abs.
Nick shrewdly talking his way out of
an alcohol citation.
Cassie popping in the room with
yet another cute emo boy in tow.
Kyle eating oranges, oranges,
and more oranges.
Kris rounding up reluctant people to
go watch free movies at the student union.
Sam carrying on a great drunken
French conversation avec moi.
Tara being a great friend to whoever
needs her at this particular moment.
Colleen discussing any movie with me,
geek to geek.
Mazy serving his parents’ expensive
wine to anyone who wants to risk
getting caught drinking in the lounge.
Austin introducing her friendly
boyfriend to all her crazy friends.
Will bringing us over to his frat house
for all the free beer we can drink.
Anna gamely explaining the logistics
of sexual favors to all of us innocents.
Kipp getting his long hair cut off
sloppily by all the girls.
And me, journaling away like crazy
and trying not to forget any of it.
The Brook was crazy, oh yes it was.
But it shaped us and took care of us.
Wistfully I am amused by
how we lived in the dorms.

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