Sunday, March 1, 2009

Entertainment I am NOW Consuming

I just watched In Bruges, and it was really, really great. I actually feel asleep in the middle of it, but I gave it a second chance and it was so worth it. It was an amazing story about sin, redemption, second chances, sacrifices, and other things I only think about when a good story forces me to ponder them. It was marketed as a comedy--specifically a quirky comedy that has the word fuck in it a lot--but it was ultimately a drama grounded in realism; the comedy just came from how honest it was. It was gritty, witty, and had a killer ending. Watch it.

Recently, I have been battling an addiction to How I Met Your Mother. It's a CBS comedy (Who watches CBS? No one? Definitely not me.) that could easily slip by every audience's notice, while it goes on year after year in perfect brilliance. Critics like it, but for all their attempts to make it more known, HIMYM still suffers in anonymity. But it is the new Friends. With a few more viewers, these actors could be making the million dollars an episode that the Friends crew earned in their final season. The show is about five friends in New York City. It mostly follows their dating life, particularly Ted's. The ultimate storyline is about how Ted meets the mother of his children, which is often frustrating for the nice architect with good intentions. Episode to episode, it is a great comedy, with funny situations and witty inside jokes. But it is the romance that keeps me watching. Like any good TV show, HIMYM handles its love stories with a suspenseful combination of restraint and exhilerating cliffhangers. I'm trying to get everyone hooked on this show, though I realize that beginning from episode one can be a dangerous thing. You may never leave your computer once you start illegaling downloading the episodes. Just kidding, I did not say that....

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